Spring Whimsy

Lately I have noticed a bit of a trend toward goal-making. I love this concept of putting down on paper (or shouting from the rooftop, so to speak) what one plans on accomplishing within a certain time period. As I was reading many admirable lists that others made for themselves it became increasingly obvious that I am not in this goal getter zone. Normally at this time of year I would be planning what needs to be in order before summer arrives but this year feels different. Why am I not chomping at the bit this Spring to get myself making lists and putting my plans into action?




Here is my list as to why I have not prioritized my life from sun up to sun down each and every day this month.


  • I am a whimsical sort of person. I will drop everything if I come up with a more interesting plan. Yes, my Gemini spirit is rather dominant.
  • Lately I feel confined by lists.
  • There are so many great things to do in the Spring! How can I possibly list them all?
  • I have just started back to work (landscaping/gardening) and am aware that by the end of each day I will be moving as though I am wearing a suit of armour. It is temporary until I get back into the swing of things and my body remembers what it is supposed to do. Let’s just get through each day still smiling, shall we?
  • Day to-day stuff like meals and laundry just has to be taken care of, list or no list.



Included in my Plan of Attack (this is as organized as I am going to get at the moment. In two weeks I will probably be organized to a “t”. I normally like the structure of goals and lists but for now I am going to forego this need to plan everything):


  • My intention is to live each day to the fullest.
  • Laugh every day until I either cry  or my stomach hurts from laughing so hard.
  • Enjoy my time with friends and family.
  • Dance like no one is watching…a lot!
  • Feed my Soul and my body with goodness.





enjoy life





So in the spirit of the riotous behaviour beginning outside in the garden at the moment, I too shall be full of whimsy and delight in the energy of renewal that blows in on the Spring winds. With a dash of sass, of course.

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”  – Confucius


    • Thanks. I have always been a “fly by the seat of my pants” kind of girl! Your list really got me thinking, btw. I needed a fresh infusion of thought bubbles. Mine were basically a swirling vortex of chaos. Spring always gets me going. 🙂

      • I wish I was a bit more spontaneous and whimsical, but I’m not. I definitely like my lists, although the form has changed over the years. I used to make lists so I could cross things off as I complete them…to-do type single items. Now my lists are more goal-oriented.

      • If list/goal making works for you, go for it! We all need balance in our life though so I would encourage you to do something spontaneous once in a while! Whimsy makes life more colourful. I occasionally get all “listy” and organize myself. I am a list freak when hosting get-togethers and parties. That’s the only way to stay on track.

  1. Really love your list and your image and quotes! I’m a nonplanner, too. That;s how I ended up in CA within 36 hours of booking a flight…and I’m having so much fun here!

  2. I am list maker by nature, but have learned that spontaneity makes life far more rich!… Must deviate from the lists at times… but good to have them there when we need to get back to remembering all our responsibilities. For me, having the lists frees up brain space, so I can keep my mind in all am doing in the moment… all I need to remember is where I leave my list(s)! 🙂
    Enjoyed your post… love you list… especially that you prioritized dancing!! Can’t wait to get out and do that again soon! See you in the garden soon! s-xo

    • You certainly are a list maker…and a darn great one at that! Perhaps I should start carrying sticky notes in my lunch bag for us to use while in the work truck. You know how easy I (we) forget stuff after we get home! 😉 Thanks for commenting, Sheryl. Dancing is highly important as you know. See you soon!

  3. I must confess that the older I have got the less goal- oriented I’ve become. I mostly live in the moment and it’s what i do and how I use the material of the moment that ultimately determines the future. For me, in looking after and nurturing the moment, the future looks after itself and the past becomes a rich tapestry of memory. Thanks for the post, Melissa. Always so good.

    • Thank you, Don. I love your word-weave “For me, in looking after and nurturing the moment, the future looks after itself and the past becomes a rich tapestry of memory.” Lovely. Living in the moment allows us to enjoy life so much more. When we rush to “get on with it”, a lot of the moments of pure substance are lost. It really is the little things that make the every day extraordinary!

  4. On my list for today: find yesterday’s list, see if I need to appologize to anyone for not showing up, feeding them, or paying them, then, take an ice cream brake. Next, add “purchase ice cream” to tomorrows list.

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